Combat Actions Function Category

Combat action related functions.


NameBrief Description
ActionAttackInitiates an attack between two creatures or a creature and an object.
ActionCounterSpellCauses the caller to enter the counterspell modal combat mode.
ActionEquipMostDamagingMeleeCauses the calling creature to equip its most damaging weapon.
ActionEquipMostDamagingRangedCauses the calling creature to equip the most damaging ranged weapon in its inventory.
ActionEquipMostEffectiveArmorCauses the calling creature to equip the best armor in its inventory.
ClearAllActionsClears currently queued actions from the calling object.
ClearAssociateActionsClear the actions of one of each type of the PC's associates
ClearNearbyFriendActionsClears the actions of a creature and all nearby friends
DimensionHopTeleports instantly a character from one point to another creature.
DoWhirlwindAttackPerform a whirlwind attack.
EffectModifyAttacksCreate a Modify Attacks effect that adds attacks to the target.
EscapeViaTeleportMakes a creature teleport away while looking like they are casting a spell.
JumpToWeakestEnemyMakes the caller jump to the most damaged enemy.
SpecialTacticsChecks for the special tactics flags and chooses tactics appropriately for each.
SpecialTacticsAmbusherSpecial tactics for ambushers.
SpecialTacticsCowardlySpecial tactics for cowardly creatures.
SpecialTacticsDefensiveSpecial tactics for defensive fighters.
SpecialTacticsRangedSpecial tactics for ranged fighters.
SurrenderAllToEnemiesCauses all NPCs in the same faction as the given character to surrender.
SurrenderToEnemiesCauses all creatures in a 10 meter (1 tile) radius to stop actions, improves the creature's reputation with nearby enemies for 3 minutes. Only works for NPCs.
TalentAdvancedBuffCauses the NPC/Creature to buff themselves using a priority aligned list of spells if they have them.
TalentAdvancedProtectSelfAI quickly scans nearby enemies and determines the most beneficial protective talents to use on itself against the type of enemies it faces.
TalentDragonCombatDetermines the talent a dragon chooses during combat.
TalentFleeMake the calling object flee from another object.
TalentMeleeAttackDetermines course of action while in melee combat for all NPCs.
TalentMeleeAttackedDetermines best course of action for NPC spell-caster when in melee combat.
TouchAttackMeleePerforms a touch melee attack out of turn.
TouchAttackRangedExecutes and determines the results of a ranged touch attack.

See Also

Function Categories