Lighting Effects Function Category

Lighting Effect related functions.


NameBrief Description
ApplyEffectAtLocationApplies an effect at a location.
DayToNightChanges the current Day/Night cycle for this player to night
GetTileMainLight1ColorDetermines the color of the first main light of a tile.
GetTileMainLight2ColorDetermines the second main light color for a tile.
GetTileSourceLight1ColorDetermines the color of the first light source for a tile.
GetTileSourceLight2ColorDetermines the color of the second light source of a tile.
NightToDayChanges the current Day/Night cycle for this player to daylight
SetFogColorSets the fog color in the area specified.
SetPlaceableIlluminationSets the illumination for a placeable on or off.
SetTileMainLightColorSets the main light colors for a tile.
SetTileSourceLightColorSets the source light color for a tile.

See Also

Function Categories