
Determines if the Intelligence score of the speaking player is below 9.

int CheckIntelligenceLow();


Returns TRUE if the player character in the conversation has an intelligence lower than 9.


This function always uses GetPCSpeaker() to determine the intelligence score, so using it anywhere besides in a conversation will return FALSE. This was used by BioWare to handle different conversation choices and provide small insults for those characters who were of low intelligence.

nw_i0_plot.nss: 57


#include "nw_i0_plot"




//Add as a starting conditional on a conversation thread for a Quest giving NPC who expects the player to return a stolen item.
//If they talk to him again, without having the diamond and a low intelligence score, he will call them idiots and tell
//them to get back out there and try again.

#include "NW_I0_Plot"

int StartingConditional()
	if(GetLocalInt(GetPCSpeaker(), "STEAL_DIAMOND_QUEST") == 1){
		int bQuestNotComplete = !GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(GetPCSpeaker(),"StolenDiamond")) &&
		int bQuestNotComplete = FALSE;

	return bQuestNotComplete;

See Also

functions: CheckCharismaHigh | CheckCharismaLow | CheckCharismaMiddle | CheckCharismaNormal | CheckIntelligenceHigh | CheckIntelligenceNormal | CheckWisdomHigh
categories: Get Data from Creature Functions

 author: John Shuell, editor: Charles Feduke