These functions are specific to the Official Campaign.
NOTE: None of the functions contained in this file have prototypes.
Name | Brief Description |
aGetPLocalInt | Internal function. Scans through the PC's party and returns the largest value stored on a character. |
aSetPLocalInt | Internal function. Sets a local integer on each of the party members. |
CreatePersonalItemOn | Internal function. Creates a personal item on the provided NPC. |
GetAssassinHead | Internal function. Gets the tag of the assassin's head object used in a plot in the official release game. |
GetPersonalItem | Internal function. Retrieves the string that is the identifier of the personal item for the assassin. |
GetPlotGiver | Internal function. Retrieves the assassin's target (victim). |
GetPlotTag | Internal function. Returns the value of NW_J_ASSASSIN_PLOT_TAG. |
GetPlotToken | Internal function. Retrieves the plot token number. |
GetVictim | Internal function. Specifies the assassin's victim in original campaign. |
GivePlayerPersonalItem | Internal function. Gives the personal item of an assassination victim to the player. |
Global | Internal function. Returns the object where plot globals for this plot are supposed to be stored. |
PCAcceptedPlot | Internal function. Returns true if the player accepted the assassin plot. |
PlayerHasHead | Internal function. Checks if a PC has the head of the assassination victim. |
PlayerHasPersonalItem | Internal function. Checks if a PC has the personal item of the assassination victim. |
PlotGiverDead | Internal function. Returns whether or not the assassin plot giver is dead. |
SetAssassinHead | Internal function. Stores the tag of the assassin victim’s head in a local string. |
SetDoubleCrosserName | Internal function. Used to track the name of the PC that double-crosses an NPC during a plot of the Original Campaign. |
SetGlobal | Internal function. Sets where all the globals for this plot are going to be stored. |
SetPersonalItem | Internal function. Stored the identifier to a personal item of an assassin. |
SetPlotGiver | Internal function. Stores the victim of an assassin. |
SetPlotTag | Internal function. Sets NW_J_ASSASSIN_PLOT_TAG. |
SetPlotToken | Internal function. Stores the plot token to a value. |
SetVictim | Internal function. Specifies name of NPC to be assassinated. |
VictimDead | Internal function. Determines whether the victim is dead. |
VictimDeadButNoItems | Internal function. Determines whether the victim is dead but oPC does not carry either the head or the personal item, otherwise FALSE. |
author: Charles Feduke, editor: Mistress, contributor: Kookoo