
These functions are specific to the Official Campaign.


NOTE: None of the functions contained in this file have prototypes.


NameBrief Description
aGetPLocalIntInternal function. Scans through the PC's party and returns the largest value stored on a character.
aSetPLocalIntInternal function. Sets a local integer on each of the party members.
CreatePersonalItemOnInternal function. Creates a personal item on the provided NPC.
GetAssassinHeadInternal function. Gets the tag of the assassin's head object used in a plot in the official release game.
GetPersonalItemInternal function. Retrieves the string that is the identifier of the personal item for the assassin.
GetPlotGiverInternal function. Retrieves the assassin's target (victim).
GetPlotTagInternal function. Returns the value of NW_J_ASSASSIN_PLOT_TAG.
GetPlotTokenInternal function. Retrieves the plot token number.
GetVictimInternal function. Specifies the assassin's victim in original campaign.
GivePlayerPersonalItemInternal function. Gives the personal item of an assassination victim to the player.
GlobalInternal function. Returns the object where plot globals for this plot are supposed to be stored.
PCAcceptedPlotInternal function. Returns true if the player accepted the assassin plot.
PlayerHasHeadInternal function. Checks if a PC has the head of the assassination victim.
PlayerHasPersonalItemInternal function. Checks if a PC has the personal item of the assassination victim.
PlotGiverDeadInternal function. Returns whether or not the assassin plot giver is dead.
SetAssassinHeadInternal function. Stores the tag of the assassin victim’s head in a local string.
SetDoubleCrosserNameInternal function. Used to track the name of the PC that double-crosses an NPC during a plot of the Original Campaign.
SetGlobalInternal function. Sets where all the globals for this plot are going to be stored.
SetPersonalItemInternal function. Stored the identifier to a personal item of an assassin.
SetPlotGiverInternal function. Stores the victim of an assassin.
SetPlotTagInternal function. Sets NW_J_ASSASSIN_PLOT_TAG.
SetPlotTokenInternal function. Stores the plot token to a value.
SetVictimInternal function. Specifies name of NPC to be assassinated.
VictimDeadInternal function. Determines whether the victim is dead.
VictimDeadButNoItemsInternal function. Determines whether the victim is dead but oPC does not carry either the head or the personal item, otherwise FALSE.

 author: Charles Feduke, editor: Mistress, contributor: Kookoo