
Expansion 1 and above include file for spells.

NOTE: This file includes nw_i0_spells, x0_i0_henchman, x0_i0_match, x2_inc_itemprop, and x2_inc_switches.


NameValueBrief Description
SPELL_TARGET_ALLALLIES1Will affect all allies, even those in my faction who don't like me.
SPELL_TARGET_SELECTIVEHOSTILE3Will only ever hurt enemies.
SPELL_TARGET_STANDARDHOSTILE290% of offensive area spells will work this way.
- They will never hurt NEUTRAL or FRIENDLY NPCs.
- They will never hurt FRIENDLY PCs.
- They WILL hurt NEUTRAL PCs.


NameBrief Description
ArcaneArcherDamageDoneByBowReturns how much should special archer arrows do for damage.
ArcaneArcherCalculateBonusCalculates the enhancement bonus for an Arcane Archer.
CanCreatureBeDestroyedReturns TRUE if the target creature is allowed to die.
doAuraInternal function. Used in the alignment aura spells.
DoCaltropEffectCaltrops do 25 points of damage (1 point per target per round) and then are gone.
DoCamoflageApplies the 'camoflage' magical effect to the target.
DoDirgeEffectApplies the ability score damage of the dirge effect.
DoGrenadeDoes a damage type grenade (direct or splash on miss).
DoMagicFangImproves an animal companion's attack and damage and the ability to hit magically protected creatures.
DoMissileStormFires a storm of missiles at targets in area.
DoPetrificationThis is a wrapper for how Petrify will work in Expansion Pack 1.
DoSpikeGrowthEffectFor spike growth area of effect object applies damage and slow effect.
DoTrapSpikeApply effects of spike trap on entering object.
GetCasterAbilityModifierReturns the modifier from the ability score that matters for this caster.
GetSizeModifierGets the creature's applicable size modifier.
GZCanNotUseGazeAttackCheckInternal function. Returns TRUE if oCreature is blinded and thus cannot use a gaze attack.
GZGetHighestSpellcastingClassLevelReturns the target creature's levels in their highest spell casting class.
MaximizeOrEmpowerChecks the appropriate metamagic to see how the damage should be scaled.
RemoveAnySpellEffectsInternal function. Doesn't care who the caster was; removes the effects of the specified spell.
RemoveSpellEffects2Internal function. Advanced version of RemoveSpellEffects to handle multiple spells.
spellApplyMindBlankRemoves negative mind effects and provides mind protection.
spellsDispelAoEHandles dispel magic of area of effect spells.
spellsDispelMagicDispel magic on one or multiple targets.
spellsGenericAreaOfEffectGeneric apply area of effect wrapper.
spellsInflictTouchAttackInflicts a spell touch attack.
spellsIsFlyingReturns TRUE if the target creature is flying.
spellsIsImmuneToPetrificationReturns TRUE if the target creature is immune to petrification.
spellsIsMindlessReturns TRUE if the target creature does not have a mind.
spellsIsTargetGeneric reputation wrapper.
spellsStinkingCloudDoes a stinking cloud.

See Also

categories:  Spells Functions | Spell Casting Effects Functions
events:  OnSpellCastAt Event
includes:  nw_i0_spells | x2_i0_spells | x2_inc_spellhook

  author: Mistress, editor: Kolyana