PC Only Function Category
Functions that affect a PC only.
Name | Brief Description |
ActionExamine | Examine an object |
ActivatePortal | Send a player's client to a new server, where the player's character will log in. |
ApplyPenalty | Applies the penalty for respawn for the resurrecting PC. |
BootPC | Abruptly kicks a player off a multi-player server. |
DayToNight | Changes the current Day/Night cycle for this player to night |
DoSinglePlayerAutoSave | Saves a single player game. |
FadeFromBlack | Fades the screen from black into normal view. |
FadeToBlack | Fades the screen for a given player to black. |
FloatingTextStringOnCreature | Briefly displays ambient text above targets head. |
FloatingTextStrRefOnCreature | Briefly displays a string ref as ambient text above targets head. |
GetIsPC | Check whether a creature is player controlled. |
GetIsPlayerCharacter | Check to see if target is PC and not DM. |
GetJournalQuestExperience | Returns the amount of experience set for a journal category. |
GetLastPCRested | Returns the last PC that rested. |
GetLastPCToCancelCutscene | Retrieves the last player to leave a cut-scene. |
GetLastPlayerDied | Determines the last PC that died. |
GetLastPlayerDying | Retrieves the last player that is currently dying. |
GetLastRespawnButtonPresser | Gets the last PC that clicked the Respawn button. |
GetLastRestEventType | Determines the status of the last PC rest. |
GetPCChatMessage | Retrieves the last player chat message that was sent. |
GetPCChatSpeaker | Retrieves the PC that sent the last player chat message. |
GetPCChatVolume | Retrieves the volume of the last player chat message that was sent. |
GetPCIPAddress | Retrieves the IP address of a PC. |
GetPCLevellingUp | Retrieves reference to the last PC that levelled up. |
GetPCPlayerName | Retrieves the login name of the player of a PC. |
GetPCPublicCDKey | Retrieves the public version of the PC's CD key. |
GetPCSpeaker | Retrieves the PC that is currently in a conversation with an NPC. |
NightToDay | Changes the current Day/Night cycle for this player to daylight |
LockCameraDirection | Locks the player's camera direction to its current direction, or unlocks the player's camera direction to enable it to move freely again. |
LockCameraDistance | Locks the player's camera distance to its current distance setting, or unlocks the player's camera distance. |
LockCameraPitch | Locks the player's camera pitch to its current pitch setting, or unlocks the player's camera pitch. Stops the player from tilting their camera angle. |
PopUpDeathGUIPanel | Displays a customizable death panel. |
Raise | Raises a PC from death. |
RemoveEffects | Removes all negative effects from a creature. |
RestoreCameraFacing | Restores the camera mode and facing. |
RewardPartyXP | Gives experience to a PC and (optionally) all party members. |
SendMessageToPC | Sends a message to the PC. |
SendMessageToPCByStrRef | Send a message to a player |
SetCameraFacing | Changes the direction the player's camera is facing. |
SetCameraHeight | Sets the camera to a certain height |
SetCutsceneMode | Sets the cut-scene mode. |
SetPCChatMessage | Sets the last player chat message before it gets sent to other players. |
SetPCChatVolume | Sets the last player chat volume before it gets sent to other players. |
StringToRGBString | Given a string and an RGB color encoded string, this function returns an equivalent string that will display in the specified color. |
StoreCameraFacing | Stores the camera facing and position so it can be restored later. |