PC Only Function Category

Functions that affect a PC only.


NameBrief Description
ActionExamineExamine an object
ActivatePortalSend a player's client to a new server, where the player's character will log in.
ApplyPenaltyApplies the penalty for respawn for the resurrecting PC.
BootPCAbruptly kicks a player off a multi-player server.
DayToNightChanges the current Day/Night cycle for this player to night
DoSinglePlayerAutoSaveSaves a single player game.
FadeFromBlackFades the screen from black into normal view.
FadeToBlackFades the screen for a given player to black.
FloatingTextStringOnCreatureBriefly displays ambient text above targets head.
FloatingTextStrRefOnCreatureBriefly displays a string ref as ambient text above targets head.
GetIsPCCheck whether a creature is player controlled.
GetIsPlayerCharacterCheck to see if target is PC and not DM.
GetJournalQuestExperienceReturns the amount of experience set for a journal category.
GetLastPCRestedReturns the last PC that rested.
GetLastPCToCancelCutsceneRetrieves the last player to leave a cut-scene.
GetLastPlayerDiedDetermines the last PC that died.
GetLastPlayerDyingRetrieves the last player that is currently dying.
GetLastRespawnButtonPresserGets the last PC that clicked the Respawn button.
GetLastRestEventTypeDetermines the status of the last PC rest.
GetPCChatMessageRetrieves the last player chat message that was sent.
GetPCChatSpeakerRetrieves the PC that sent the last player chat message.
GetPCChatVolumeRetrieves the volume of the last player chat message that was sent.
GetPCIPAddressRetrieves the IP address of a PC.
GetPCLevellingUpRetrieves reference to the last PC that levelled up.
GetPCPlayerNameRetrieves the login name of the player of a PC.
GetPCPublicCDKeyRetrieves the public version of the PC's CD key.
GetPCSpeakerRetrieves the PC that is currently in a conversation with an NPC.
NightToDayChanges the current Day/Night cycle for this player to daylight
LockCameraDirectionLocks the player's camera direction to its current direction, or unlocks the player's camera direction to enable it to move freely again.
LockCameraDistanceLocks the player's camera distance to its current distance setting, or unlocks the player's camera distance.
LockCameraPitchLocks the player's camera pitch to its current pitch setting, or unlocks the player's camera pitch. Stops the player from tilting their camera angle.
PopUpDeathGUIPanelDisplays a customizable death panel.
RaiseRaises a PC from death.
RemoveEffectsRemoves all negative effects from a creature.
RestoreCameraFacingRestores the camera mode and facing.
RewardPartyXPGives experience to a PC and (optionally) all party members.
SendMessageToPCSends a message to the PC.
SendMessageToPCByStrRefSend a message to a player
SetCameraFacingChanges the direction the player's camera is facing.
SetCameraHeightSets the camera to a certain height
SetCutsceneModeSets the cut-scene mode.
SetPCChatMessageSets the last player chat message before it gets sent to other players.
SetPCChatVolumeSets the last player chat volume before it gets sent to other players.
StringToRGBStringGiven a string and an RGB color encoded string, this function returns an equivalent string that will display in the specified color.
StoreCameraFacingStores the camera facing and position so it can be restored later.

See Also

Function Categories