
This is the include file for the henchmen who can join the player.

NOTE 1: This file contains a couple of functions that are also present in x0_i0_common.

NOTE 2: None of the functions contained in this file have prototypes.


NameValueBrief Description
INT_FUDGE3Used to help with figuring out the filename to use since the numbering for files begins at 1 but the numbering for levels begins at 4.


NameBrief Description
CopyLocalsInternal function. Copies locals from earlier level henchmen to newer henchman
DestroyAllPersonalItemsInternal function. Destroys all henchman items.
DestroyChapterQuestItemInternal function. Destroys the chapter specific quest item given to oPC by the henchman.
DestroyChapterRewardItemInternal function. Destroys the chapter specific reward item given to oPC by the henchman.
DoLevelUpInternal function. Levels up an NPC to appropriate PC henchman level.
EndModuleInternal function. Used for determining if the current module is an end module.
GetBeenHiredInternal function. Checks if a henchman has been hired.
GetCanLevelUpInternal function. Determines if an NPC henchman should level up.
GetChapterInternal function. Gets the chapter number the player is currently in.
GetDidDieInternal function. TRUE if the player has died.
GetFormerMasterInternal function. Determines the player that was the master of a NPC.
GetGreetingVarInternal function. This variable keeps track of whether or not the player has talked to this henchman.
GetMyAreaInternal function. Retrieves the tag for the area of an object.
GetStoryVarInternal function. Used to track the current storyline for the henchman a PC has working for him. Original Campaign.
GetWorkingForPlayerInternal function. Returns if the henchman is working for the player.
GiveChapterRewardItemInternal function. Gives a reward item to the player.
GivePersonalItemInternal function. Makes the henchman give his or her personal item to the player.
HasChapterQuestItemInternal function. Checks if player has the chapter quest item.
HasChapterRewardItemInternal function. Checks if player has the chapter reward item.
HasPersonalItemInternal function. Checks if the player has the henchman’s personal item.
PCInternal function. debug function for displaying strings. Returns GetPCLevellingUp().
SetBeenHiredInternal function. Sets whether a henchman has been hired before
SetDidDieInternal function. Stores if the henchman has just died
SetFormerMasterInternal function. Marks someone as an NPC henchman's former master PC.
SetGreetingVarInternal function. This variable keeps track of whether or not the player has talked to this henchman.
SetStoryVarInternal function. Used to track the current storyline for the henchman a PC has working for him. Original Campaign.
SetWorkingForPlayerInternal function. Specifies the PC name the henchman is working for.
SpawnHenchmanInternal function. Creates the henchmen for each chapter of the original campaign of appropriate level for PC.
STR_PersonalItemInternal function. Return the various names of objects and stuff used by and checked by the henchman.
STR_QuestItemInternal function. Return the various names of objects and stuff used by and checked by the henchman.
STR_RewardItemInternal function. Return the various names of objects and stuff used by and checked by the henchman.
StripAllPersonalItemsFromEveryoneInternal function. Removes henchmen 'hired' items for use in the original campaign.

 author: Charles Feduke, editor: Mistress