Handles the random treasure distribution for treasure from creatures and containers.
Name | Value | Brief Description |
HIGH_MOD_GOLD | 3.0 | Amount of gold by value. |
HIGH_PROB_AMMO | 3 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_ANIMAL | 0 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_ARCANE | 3 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_BOOK | 1 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_DIVINE | 3 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_GEM | 15 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_GOLD | 15 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_JEWEL | 15 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_JUNK | 1 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_KIT | 5 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_POTION | 9 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
HIGH_PROB_TABLE2 | 30 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
JUMP_LEVEL | 2 | Used in a specific item function in the case where a generic item is called for within that function it will create a generic item by adding JUMP_LEVEL to the character's hit die for the purposes of the treasure evaluation. |
LOW_MOD_GOLD | 0.5 | Amount of gold by value. |
LOW_PROB_AMMO | 10 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_ANIMAL | 0 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_ARCANE | 3 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_BOOK | 1 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_DIVINE | 3 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_GEM | 9 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_GOLD | 43 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_JEWEL | 4 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_JUNK | 2 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_KIT | 5 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_POTION | 17 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
LOW_PROB_TABLE2 | 3 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_MOD_GOLD | 1.0 | Amount of gold by value. |
MEDIUM_PROB_AMMO | 5 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_ANIMAL | 0 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_ARCANE | 3 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_BOOK | 1 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_DIVINE | 3 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_GEM | 15 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_GOLD | 38 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_JEWEL | 6 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_JUNK | 1 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_KIT | 5 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_POTION | 20 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
MEDIUM_PROB_TABLE2 | 3 | Frequency of item type appearing by treasure type. |
NUMBER_BOOK_ONE | 75 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_BOOK_THREE | 5 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_BOOK_TWO | 20 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_BOSS_ONE | 100 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_BOSS_THREE | 0 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_BOSS_TWO | 0 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_HIGH_ONE | 40 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_HIGH_THREE | 20 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_HIGH_TWO | 40 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_LOW_ONE | 100 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_LOW_THREE | 0 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_LOW_TWO | 0 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_MED_ONE | 60 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_MED_THREE | 10 | Number of items appearing. |
NUMBER_MED_TWO | 30 | Number of items appearing. |
RANGE_1_MAX | 5 | |
RANGE_1_MIN | 0 | |
RANGE_2_MAX | 8 | |
RANGE_2_MIN | 6 | |
RANGE_3_MAX | 10 | |
RANGE_3_MIN | 9 | |
RANGE_4_MAX | 13 | |
RANGE_4_MIN | 11 | |
RANGE_5_MAX | 16 | |
RANGE_5_MIN | 14 | |
RANGE_6_MAX | 100 | |
RANGE_6_MIN | 17 | |
TREASURE_BOOK | 5 | Readability constant. |
TREASURE_BOSS | 4 | Readability constant. |
TREASURE_HIGH | 3 | Readability constant. |
TREASURE_LOW | 1 | Readability constant. |
TREASURE_MEDIUM | 2 | Readability constant. |
Name | Brief Description |
CreateAmmo | Spawns in a ammunition suited for that class as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateAnimalPart | Creates an animal part on the corpse of the animal |
CreateArcaneScroll | Creates a scroll as part of the treasure |
CreateBook | Creates a random book as part of the treasure distribution system |
CreateDivineScroll | Creates a divine scroll as part of the treasure |
CreateGem | Creates a Gem as part of the NWN treasure distribution system |
CreateGenericClassItem | Creates a treasure item for wizards, sorcerers, clerics, monks, rogues and bards |
CreateGenericDruidWeapon | Creates an appropriate druid weapon that fits the level of the PC, and places it in/on an object. |
CreateGenericExotic | Creates an appropriate exotic weapon that fits the level of the PC, and places it in/on an object. |
CreateGenericHeavyArmor | Spawns in a Piece of Generic Heavy Armor as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateGenericLightArmor | Spawns in a piece of generic light armor as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateGenericMartial | Spawns in a generic weapon as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateGenericMediumArmor | Spawns in a piece of generic armor as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateGenericMiscItem | Spawns in a generic item as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateGenericMonkWeapon | Creates an appropriate monk weapon that fits the level of the PC, and places it in/on an object. |
CreateGenericRodStaffWand | Spawns in a generic Rod, Staff or Wand as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateGenericSimple | Spawns in a Generic Simple Weapon as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateGenericWizardWeapon | Creates an appropriate wizard weapon that fits the level of the PC, and places it in/on an object. |
CreateGold | Spawns in Gold as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateHealingKit | Spawns in a Healing Kit as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateJewel | Creates a Jewel in the container as part of the NWN treasure distribution system |
CreateJunk | Creates random items for the container treasure. |
CreateKit | Spawns in a Kit as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateLockPick | Spawns in a Lock Pick as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreatePotion | Creates a random potion in a container as part of the treasure system. |
CreateSpecificDruidWeapon | Spawns in a Specific Druid Weapon as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateSpecificExotic | Spawns in a Specific Exotic Item as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateSpecificHeavyArmor | Spawns in a Specific Heavy Armor as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateSpecificLightArmor | Spawns in a Specific Light Armor as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateSpecificMartial | Spawns in a Specific Martial Item as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateSpecificMediumArmor | Spawns in a Specific Medium Armor as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateSpecificMiscItem | Spawns in a Specific Item as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateSpecificMonkWeapon | Spawns in a Specific Monk Weapon as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateSpecificRodStaffWand | Spawns in a Rod, Staff, or Wand as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateSpecificSimple | Spawns in a Simple Weapon as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateSpecificWizardWeapon | Spawns in a Specific Wizard Weapon as part of the random treasure distribution. |
CreateTable2Item | Randomly creates an item on an object. |
CreateTrapKit | Spawns in a Trap Kit as part of the random treasure distribution. |
dbCreateItemOnObject | This function creates the item for the NWN Treasure Distribution System. |
dbSpeak | Internal function. This function is commented out. It contains a single SpeakString call. |
GenerateBookTreasure | This Function is part of the random treasure distribution. |
GenerateBossTreasure | Generates boss-level treasure. |
GenerateHighTreasure | This function creates High Level Treasure |
GenerateLowTreasure | This script creates Low value treasure in the container |
GenerateMediumTreasure | Spawns in treasure as part of the random treasure distribution. |
GenerateNPCTreasure | Use the random treasure functions to generate appropriate treasure for the creature to drop. |
GenerateTreasure | This is the Main function in the NWN Treasure Distribution System |
GetLastOpener | Gets the creature that last opened or destroyed the container calling this script. |
GetNumberOfItems | Determines the number of items to create as treasure. |
GetRange | Determines whether the HD falls in a range category. |
nDetermineClassToUse | Determines which of a PCs three classes to use in the random treasure system. |
ShoutDisturbed | Turns NPCs of the container's faction hostile towards the PC that destroyed or opened the container. |
TrimLevel | Returns the valid upper limit for any arcane spell scroll. |