Miscellaneous Function Category
Functions that don't fit into any other category.
Name | Brief Description |
ActionExamine | Examine an object |
ActionWait | Adds a wait action to an objects queue. |
BootPC | Abruptly kicks a player off a multi-player server. |
CopyObject | Duplicates the object specified. |
d2 | Rolls a 2-sided die (or flips a coin). |
d3 | Rolls a 3-sided die. |
d4 | Rolls a 4-sided die. |
d6 | Rolls a 6-sided die. |
d8 | Rolls an 8-sided die. |
d10 | Rolls a 10-sided die. |
d12 | Rolls a 12-sided die. |
d20 | Rolls a 20-sided die. |
d100 | Rolls a 100-sided die. |
DrinkIt | Makes a creature speak a string that signifies they drank alcohol. |
ExecuteScript | Cause a script to execute. |
ExportSingleCharacter | Force the character of the player specified to be exported to its respective directory, i.e. LocalVault/ServerVault/ etc. |
GetActionMode | Check if a creature is using a given action mode |
GetAngleBetweenLocations | Returns a float representing the angle between Location One and Location Two |
GetAssassinHead | Gets the tag of the Assassins head object used in a plot in the official release game. |
GetChangedPosition | Convenience function that returns a vector that is fDistance away in fAngle direction |
GetChangeInX | Convenience function to calculate the change in the X axis |
GetChangeInY | Convenience function that calculates the change in the Y axis to the target |
GetCustomLeftDirection | This function returns a normalized number that is the sum of the current facing and the angle to target |
GetCustomRightDirection | This returns a float that is a normalized remainder of fDirection - fAngle |
GetFarLeftDirection | This function returns a normalized number that is +135 from the current facing |
GetFarRightDirection | Returns a normalized number that is -135 from the current facing |
GetFirstInPersistentObject | Determines the first object of a specific type that is inside a persistent object. |
GetFirstObjectInShape | Determines the first object of a specific type (creature, door etc.) in shape. |
GetGameDifficulty | Determines the game difficulty setting. |
GetHalfLeftDirection | This function returns a number that is +45 degrees from the current facing |
GetHalfRightDirection | Returns a normalized value that is -45 from fDirection |
GetIsDead | Determines if a creature is dead or dying. |
GetIsEnemy | Determines whether a creature considers another creature an enemy. |
GetIsImmune | Determines whether a creature has a specific immunity. |
GetIsNeutral | Check whether a creature considers another creature to be neutral to them. |
GetItemCursedFlag | Checks if an item is cursed |
GetLastPCRested | Returns the last PC that rested. |
GetLastRespawnButtonPresser | Gets the last PC that clicked the Respawn button. |
GetLeftDirection | This function returns a float representing a direction +90 degrees |
GetMyMaster | Gets the nearest Player Character to the calling object. |
GetNextInPersistentObject | Determines the nextobject of a specific type that is inside a persistent object. |
GetNextObjectInShape | Determines the next object of a specific type (creature, door etc) in shape. |
GetNormalizedDirection | This function returns a float that is constrained from 0 - 360 |
GetOppositeDirection | Returns a normalized direction that is -180 from fDirection |
GetPositionFromLocation | Returns the vector part of a location. |
GetRightDirection | Returns a normalized float that is -90 from the facing passed in |
GetUserDefinedEventNumber | Determines the specific user-defined number that has been sent to it. |
GiveRingToPlayer | Creates a plot ring and places it in a player's inventory. |
PopUpGUIPanel | Displays a GUI panel to a player. |
PrintString | Records a message to the log file. |
RandomName | Generates a random name. |
RestoreCameraFacing | Restores the camera mode and facing. |
SetActionMode | Sets the status of an action mode on a creature |
SetAreaTransitionBMP | Sets the graphic shown when a PC moves between two different areas in a module. |
SetCameraFacing | Changes the direction the player's camera is facing. |
SetCameraHeight | Sets the camera to a certain height |
SetCameraMode | Changes the perspective view of the player on the screen. |
SetCommandable | Makes NPC available for new instructions. |
SetCustomToken | Sets the value for a custom token. |
SetDeity | Set the deity of a creature or PC |
SetDroppableFlag | Marks an item as droppable or undroppable. |
SetImmortal | Sets a creature as immortal. |
SetItemCursedFlag | Sets whether an item is cursed or not |
SetMapPinEnabled | Enable a map pin. |
SetPhenoType | Sets the creature's PhenoType (body type) to the type specified. |
SetPlotFlag | Sets an object's plot status. |
SetSubRace | Sets or changes a creature's or PC's subrace |
SignalEvent | Causes an object to fire a specified event. |
StoreCameraFacing | Stores the camera facing and position so it can be restored later. |
TakeArtifactItem | Removes the item returned by GetArtifactItem from the player's inventory. |
TakeFetchItem | Removes the plot related item from a player's inventory. |