Module Specific Function Category
Functions found in #include files that are specific to a certain module and would not be of much use outside of that module.
Name | Brief Description |
BringBack | Brings a NPC back to life and transports them to a location. |
CanAfford | Determines if the player has enough gold in their inventory to pay for creating an item at the forge. |
CanAffordIt | This function checks to see if the player can afford to use the portal |
ClearArena | This function resets variables and clears the arenas in the fighter |
CreateSignPostNPC | Spawns a creature using the action queue. |
DoOnce | Determines whether a something has been done before. |
GetArtifactItem | Gets the Tag of a plot item for an quest in the Official Campaign |
GetBackpackMatch | Determines if the PC carries the proper items to create a new item. |
GetChapter | Gets the chapter number the player is currently in. |
GetComplexItem | Gets the Tag of a plot item for an quest in the Official Campaign |
GetFetchee | Get a local object from the caller. Official campaign use only. |
GetFetchItem | Gets the tag of a plot item for a quest in the Official Campaign. |
GetForgeMatch | Checks to see if the nPos item matches the current reward |
GetGreetingVar | This variable keeps track of whether or not the player has talked to this henchman. |
GetHas2Q4PlotItem | Test if the object has the specified plot item |
GetIsMagical | Checks for predefined groups of magical effects on an item to determine if it is magical. |
GetItemPosition | Returns the position of a variable in an array containing a list of possible base types that can be created. |
GetLocalPlotIntFromCharacter | Retrieves the generic plot flag off of a creature. |
GetMachineState | Get the state of one lever |
GetNumberOfItems | Determines the number of items to create as treasure. |
GetPersonalItem | Retrieves the string that is the identifier of the personal item for the assassin. |
GetPlotGiver | Retrieves the assassin's target (victim). |
GetPlotItemTag | Returns the plot item's tag |
GetPlotJournal | Retrieves the string that is the name of a journal entry. |
GetPlotRingTag | Retrieves the tag of the plot ring. |
GetPlotTag | Retrieves the plot tag for a specific quest. |
GetPlotToken | Retrieves the plot token number. |
GetPrisoner | Retrieves the prisoner object. |
GetQuestItemTag | Returns the quest item's tag. |
GetQuestStatus | Returns a PC's quest status. |
GetQuestTag | Gets the giver's quest tag. |
GetQuestVarname | Gets the NPC's local variable name for the given quest. |
GetRange | Determines whether the HD falls in a range category. |
GetRewardItemTag | Returns the reward item tag. |
GetRingGivenTo | Retrieves the PC that the ring was given to. |
GetStoryItem | Gets a string representing a plot item from the Official Campaign |
GetUniform | Gets the tag of a guard's uniform. |
GetValidItem | Gets a name of an item that can made at the Forge in the official campaign. |
GetValidItemCost | Used to determine the cost of making an item at the forge. |
GetVictim | Specifies the assassin’s victim in original campaign. |
Give2Q4PlotItem | Gives a Luskan plot item to the PC speaker. |
GiveChapterRewardItem | Gives a reward item to the player. |
GiveFetchItemToPC | Gives the fetch item to the PC. |
GivePlayerPersonalItem | Gives the personal item of an assassination victim to the player. |
GiveQuestItem | Create the quest item on the player. |
GiveRewardItem | Creates a reward item on the PC. |
HasChapterRewardItem | Checks if player has the chapter reward item. |
HasPersonalItem | Checks if the player has the henchman’s personal item. |
HasPlotItem | Checks the PC's party for an item. |
HasQuestItem | Checks if the PC's party possesses a given quest item. |
HasRewardItem | Checks the PC's party for the reward item. |
HasSpell | Checks if caller has spell |
IsRecall | Recalls a player through the use of Recall Stones. |
MakeWay | Builds the tag for the waypoint to walk to. |
NextTag | Gets the tag of the next waypoint to walk to. |
PCAcceptedPlot | Returns true if the player accepted the assassin plot. |
PlayerHasArtifactItem | Checks if a PC has the artifact item. |
PlayerHasComplexItem | Checks if a PC has the complex item. |
PlayerHasFetchItem | Checks if a PC has the fetch item. |
PlayerHasHead | Checks if a PC has the head of the assassination victim. |
PlayerHasPersonalItem | Checks if a PC has the personal item of the assassination victim. |
PlayerHasRing | Checks if a PC has the ring used in the rescue plot. |
PlayerHasStoryItem | Checks if a PC has the story item. |
PlayerWearsUniform | Checks if a PC has a certain uniform equipped. |
PlotGiverDead | Returns whether or not the assassin plot giver is dead. |
SetArtifactItem | Stores the tag of the artifact item in a local string. |
SetAssassinHead | Stores the tag of the assassin victim’s head in a local string. |
SetComplexItem | Stores the tag of the complex item in a local string. |
SetDoubleCrosserName | Used to track the name of the PC that double-crosses an NPC during a plot of the Original Campaign. |
SetFetchee | Sets the PC that is running an errand for an NPC during the original module. |
SetFetchItem | Specifies what item the PC needs to fetch in the Original Campaign. |
SetGreetingVar | This variable keeps track of whether or not the player has talked to this henchman. |
SetLocalPlotIntOnCharacter | Sets a plot-specific integer on a creature. |
SetMachineState | When PC uses specific machine in City of Luskan in Original Campaign, sets the machine for operation or not. |
SetOnQuest | Sets that a PC has taken a quest |
SetPersonalItem | Stored the identifier to a personal item of an assassin. |
SetPlotGiver | Stores the victim of an assassin. |
SetPlotJournal | Puts the current status of a plot during the Rescue mission of the Original Campaign. |
SetPlotRing | Stores the tag that represents the plot ring. |
SetPlotTag | Specifies the name of the item used in the Artifact plot line in the Original Campaign. |
SetPlotToken | Stores the plot token to a value. |
SetPrisoner | Stores the prisoner in a local variable. |
SetQuestDone | Sets a quest as finished or done. |
SetRingGivenTo | Stores the PC that the ring was given to. |
SetSpawnInLocals | Sets local variables on creatures to support the SetSpawnInCondition function. |
SetStoryItem | Stores the name of an item for use in the Original Campaign. |
SetStoryVar | Used to track the current storyline for the henchman a PC has working for him. Original Campaign. |
SetUniform | Specifies the name of the uniform to be taken by the player during the original campaign. |
SetValidItem | Specifies the location in a PC's inventory where a valid item exists for the Smithy plot in original campaign. |
SetValidItemCost | Specifies the amount of gold the combined item is worth during the Smith plot in original campaign. |
SetValidItemCostToken | Specifies the amount of gold extra that is needed to create a magical item during the Smithy plot line of the original campaign. |
SetVictim | Specifies name of NPC to be assassinated. |
TakePlotItem | Take the plot item from oPC's party. |
TakeQuestItem | Removes a quest item from a PC's party. |
VictimDead | Determines whether the victim is dead. |
VictimDeadButNoItems | Determines whether the victim is dead but oPC does not carrying either the head or the personal item, otherwise FALSE. |