Module Specific Function Category

Functions found in #include files that are specific to a certain module and would not be of much use outside of that module.


NameBrief Description
BringBackBrings a NPC back to life and transports them to a location.
CanAffordDetermines if the player has enough gold in their inventory to pay for creating an item at the forge.
CanAffordItThis function checks to see if the player can afford to use the portal
ClearArenaThis function resets variables and clears the arenas in the fighter
CreateSignPostNPCSpawns a creature using the action queue.
DoOnceDetermines whether a something has been done before.
GetArtifactItemGets the Tag of a plot item for an quest in the Official Campaign
GetBackpackMatchDetermines if the PC carries the proper items to create a new item.
GetChapterGets the chapter number the player is currently in.
GetComplexItemGets the Tag of a plot item for an quest in the Official Campaign
GetFetcheeGet a local object from the caller. Official campaign use only.
GetFetchItemGets the tag of a plot item for a quest in the Official Campaign.
GetForgeMatchChecks to see if the nPos item matches the current reward
GetGreetingVarThis variable keeps track of whether or not the player has talked to this henchman.
GetHas2Q4PlotItemTest if the object has the specified plot item
GetIsMagicalChecks for predefined groups of magical effects on an item to determine if it is magical.
GetItemPositionReturns the position of a variable in an array containing a list of possible base types that can be created.
GetLocalPlotIntFromCharacterRetrieves the generic plot flag off of a creature.
GetMachineStateGet the state of one lever
GetNumberOfItemsDetermines the number of items to create as treasure.
GetPersonalItemRetrieves the string that is the identifier of the personal item for the assassin.
GetPlotGiverRetrieves the assassin's target (victim).
GetPlotItemTagReturns the plot item's tag
GetPlotJournalRetrieves the string that is the name of a journal entry.
GetPlotRingTagRetrieves the tag of the plot ring.
GetPlotTagRetrieves the plot tag for a specific quest.
GetPlotTokenRetrieves the plot token number.
GetPrisonerRetrieves the prisoner object.
GetQuestItemTagReturns the quest item's tag.
GetQuestStatusReturns a PC's quest status.
GetQuestTagGets the giver's quest tag.
GetQuestVarnameGets the NPC's local variable name for the given quest.
GetRangeDetermines whether the HD falls in a range category.
GetRewardItemTagReturns the reward item tag.
GetRingGivenToRetrieves the PC that the ring was given to.
GetStoryItemGets a string representing a plot item from the Official Campaign
GetUniformGets the tag of a guard's uniform.
GetValidItemGets a name of an item that can made at the Forge in the official campaign.
GetValidItemCostUsed to determine the cost of making an item at the forge.
GetVictimSpecifies the assassin’s victim in original campaign.
Give2Q4PlotItemGives a Luskan plot item to the PC speaker.
GiveChapterRewardItemGives a reward item to the player.
GiveFetchItemToPCGives the fetch item to the PC.
GivePlayerPersonalItemGives the personal item of an assassination victim to the player.
GiveQuestItemCreate the quest item on the player.
GiveRewardItemCreates a reward item on the PC.
HasChapterRewardItemChecks if player has the chapter reward item.
HasPersonalItemChecks if the player has the henchman’s personal item.
HasPlotItemChecks the PC's party for an item.
HasQuestItemChecks if the PC's party possesses a given quest item.
HasRewardItemChecks the PC's party for the reward item.
HasSpellChecks if caller has spell
IsRecallRecalls a player through the use of Recall Stones.
MakeWayBuilds the tag for the waypoint to walk to.
NextTagGets the tag of the next waypoint to walk to.
PCAcceptedPlotReturns true if the player accepted the assassin plot.
PlayerHasArtifactItemChecks if a PC has the artifact item.
PlayerHasComplexItemChecks if a PC has the complex item.
PlayerHasFetchItemChecks if a PC has the fetch item.
PlayerHasHeadChecks if a PC has the head of the assassination victim.
PlayerHasPersonalItemChecks if a PC has the personal item of the assassination victim.
PlayerHasRingChecks if a PC has the ring used in the rescue plot.
PlayerHasStoryItemChecks if a PC has the story item.
PlayerWearsUniformChecks if a PC has a certain uniform equipped.
PlotGiverDeadReturns whether or not the assassin plot giver is dead.
SetArtifactItemStores the tag of the artifact item in a local string.
SetAssassinHeadStores the tag of the assassin victim’s head in a local string.
SetComplexItemStores the tag of the complex item in a local string.
SetDoubleCrosserNameUsed to track the name of the PC that double-crosses an NPC during a plot of the Original Campaign.
SetFetcheeSets the PC that is running an errand for an NPC during the original module.
SetFetchItemSpecifies what item the PC needs to fetch in the Original Campaign.
SetGreetingVarThis variable keeps track of whether or not the player has talked to this henchman.
SetLocalPlotIntOnCharacterSets a plot-specific integer on a creature.
SetMachineStateWhen PC uses specific machine in City of Luskan in Original Campaign, sets the machine for operation or not.
SetOnQuestSets that a PC has taken a quest
SetPersonalItemStored the identifier to a personal item of an assassin.
SetPlotGiverStores the victim of an assassin.
SetPlotJournalPuts the current status of a plot during the Rescue mission of the Original Campaign.
SetPlotRingStores the tag that represents the plot ring.
SetPlotTagSpecifies the name of the item used in the Artifact plot line in the Original Campaign.
SetPlotTokenStores the plot token to a value.
SetPrisonerStores the prisoner in a local variable.
SetQuestDoneSets a quest as finished or done.
SetRingGivenToStores the PC that the ring was given to.
SetSpawnInLocalsSets local variables on creatures to support the SetSpawnInCondition function.
SetStoryItemStores the name of an item for use in the Original Campaign.
SetStoryVarUsed to track the current storyline for the henchman a PC has working for him. Original Campaign.
SetUniformSpecifies the name of the uniform to be taken by the player during the original campaign.
SetValidItemSpecifies the location in a PC's inventory where a valid item exists for the Smithy plot in original campaign.
SetValidItemCostSpecifies the amount of gold the combined item is worth during the Smith plot in original campaign.
SetValidItemCostTokenSpecifies the amount of gold extra that is needed to create a magical item during the Smithy plot line of the original campaign.
SetVictimSpecifies name of NPC to be assassinated.
TakePlotItemTake the plot item from oPC's party.
TakeQuestItemRemoves a quest item from a PC's party.
VictimDeadDetermines whether the victim is dead.
VictimDeadButNoItemsDetermines whether the victim is dead but oPC does not carrying either the head or the personal item, otherwise FALSE.

See Also

Function Categories