Get Data from Creature Function Category
A function that returns data from a creature.
Name | Brief Description |
AmIAHumanoid | Returns TRUE if the target is a humanoid. |
CanCreatureBeDestroyed | Returns TRUE if the target creature is allowed to die. |
CheckCharismaHigh | Determines if the Charisma score of the speaking player is above 14. |
CheckCharismaLow | Determines if the Charisma score of the speaking player is below 10. |
CheckCharismaMiddle | Determines if the Charisma score of the speaking player is in the normal range. |
CheckCharismaNormal | Determines if the Charisma score of the speaking player is above 9. |
CheckCurrentAction | Check to see if we're in the middle of some action so we do not interrupt or pile actions onto the queue. |
CheckIntelligenceHigh | Determines if the Intelligence score of the speaking player is above 14. |
CheckIntelligenceLow | Determines if the Intelligence score of the speaking player is below 9. |
CheckIntelligenceNormal | Determines if the Intelligence score of the speaking player is greater than 8. |
CheckIsAnimActive | Turns off the calling object's NW_ANIM_FLAG_IS_ACTIVE animation condition if there are no players in the same area. |
CheckWayPoints | Checks to see if an NPC has a valid waypoint to walk to. |
CheckWisdomHigh | Determines if the Wisdom score of the speaking player is above the low range. |
DetermineClassToUse | Looks at the character classes of a NPC and determines which one to use in combat. |
GetAbilityModifier | Get a creature's ability modifier for a specified ability. |
GetAbilityScore | Get the ability score of a specific type for a creature. |
GetActionMode | Check if a creature is using a given action mode |
GetAge | Determines the age of a creature. |
GetAlignmentGoodEvil | Determines the disposition of a creature. |
GetAlignmentLawChaos | Determines the ethos of a given creature. |
GetAnimalCompanionCreatureType | Get a creature's familiar creature type. |
GetAnimalCompanionName | Gets a creature's familiar name. |
GetAnimationCondition | Returns TRUE if the given creature has the given condition set. |
GetAppearanceType | Retrieves the appearance of a specified creature. |
GetArcaneSpellFailure | Gets a creature's arcane spell failure factor |
GetAssociate | Returns an object's associate. |
GetAssociateType | Returns the associate type of the specified creature |
GetAttemptedSpellTarget | Determines the creature a spell was attempted to be cast at. |
GetBaseAttackBonus | Retrieves the base attack bonus (BaB) for a specified creature. |
GetCasterAbilityModifier | Returns the modifier from the ability score that matters for this caster. |
GetCasterLevel | Determines the level of caster for a creature or PC casting a spell. |
GetChallengeRating | Returns the challenge rating of the target creature. |
GetCharacterLevel | Returns the total levels a creature has in all three classes. |
GetCharisma | Gets the targets Charisma Ability Score. |
GetClassByPosition | Gets the creatures class for the position identified. The position refers to 1st class, 2nd class or third class in a multi class creature. |
GetCombatCondition | Determine whether the specified X0_COMBAT_FLAG_* is set on the target. |
GetCommandable | Determines if the object in question can have actions added to it's action Queue. |
GetCreatureBodyPart | Returns the model number being used for the body part and creature specified. | GetCreatureHasTalent | Determines whether a creature has a specific talent. |
GetCreatureHomeWaypoint | Get a creature's home waypoint; returns OBJECT_INVALID if none set. |
GetCreatureSize | Determines the size class of a creature. |
GetCreatureStartingPackage | Returns the default level up package | GetCreatureTailType | Returns the Tail type of the creature specified. |
GetCreatureTalentBest | Determines the best talent of a creature from a group of talents. |
GetCreatureTalentRandom | Retrieves a random talent from a group of talents that a creature possesses. | GetCreatureWingType | Returns the Wing type of the creature specified. |
GetCurrentFriend | Get the caller's current friend. |
GetCurrentHitPoints | Determines the number of hit points someone currently has. |
GetCurrentInteractionTarget | Get the caller's current interaction target. |
GetCutsceneCameraMoveRate | Returns the current movement rate factor of the cutscene 'camera man' |
GetDefensiveCastingMode | Retrieves the defensive casting mode status of a creature. |
GetDeity | Determine the deity of a creature. |
GetDetectMode | Determines if a creature is currently searching. |
GetEpicSpellSaveDC | Determines the DC needed to save against any epic spell. |
GetFacing | Used to determine which direction something is facing. |
GetFactionAverageGoodEvilAlignment | Get the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Good/Evil alignment |
GetFactionAverageLawChaosAlignment | Get the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Law/Chaos alignment |
GetFactionAverageLevel | Get the average level of the members of the faction. |
GetFactionAverageReputation | Get an integer between 0 and 100 (inclusive) that represents how an objects faction members collectively feel about the target object. |
GetFactionAverageXP | Get the average amount of XPs for all members in an objects faction. |
GetFactionBestAC | Get the member of a faction (party) who has the highest Armor Class. |
GetFactionEqual | Are both objects in the same faction? |
GetFactionGold | Get the amount of gold held by all members of a certain faction. |
GetFactionLeastDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the fewest hit points of damage. |
GetFactionMostDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage. |
GetFactionMostFrequentClass | Returns a constant representing the most common type of class amongst the members of a faction (party). |
GetFactionStrongestMember | Get the member of an object's faction who is the strongest. |
GetFactionWeakestMember | Get the weakest member in a faction (party). |
GetFactionWorstAC | Get the object faction member with the lowest armor class. |
GetFamiliarCreatureType | Gets the PC's animal companion creature type. |
GetFamiliarName | Get a creature's animal companion name. |
GetFirstPC | Obtains the first PC |
GetFleeToExit | Returns TRUE if the executing object can use ActivateFleeToExit. |
GetGender | Determines the gender of a creature. |
GetHasFeat | Test whether a creature is able to perform a feat. |
GetHasSpell | Determines whether a creature has a spell available. |
GetHitDice | Determines the HD of a creature. |
GetImmortal | Retrieves the mortality of a creature. |
GetIntelligence | Gets the targets Intelligence Ability Score. |
GetIsBusyWithAnimation | Returns TRUE if the creature is busy talking or interacting with a placeable or GetCurrentAction does not return ACTION_INVALID. |
GetIsCreatureDisarmable | Check if oCreature can be disarmed |
GetIsDM | Determines whether a creature is a DM avatar. |
GetIsDMPossessed | Returns whether the creature is possessed by a DM |
GetIsDoorActionPossible | Determines whether an action can be used on a door. |
GetIsInSubArea | Checks if a creature has triggered an OnEnter event |
GetIsListening | Check whether an object is listening for something. |
GetIsMagicStatBonus | Returns spellcasting ability modifier. |
GetIsPC | Check whether a creature is player controlled. |
GetIsPlayableRacialType | Determine whether the target creature is one of the playable races. |
GetIsPlayerCharacter | Check to see if target is PC and not DM. |
GetIsPossessedFamiliar | Retrieves the controller status of a familiar. |
GetIsPostOrWalking | Determine whether a creature has associated waypoints. |
GetIsResting | Check whether a creature is resting. |
GetItemPossessor | Get the creature or object who possesses a specified item. |
GetLastAssociateCommand | Get the last command issued to a given associate. |
GetLastKiller | Get the object that killed the caller. |
GetLastSpellCastClass | Returns the class that the spellcaster cast the spell as |
GetLastWeaponUsed | Get the last weapon that oCreature used in an attack. |
GetLawChaosValue | Used to find an object's law/chaos value. |
GetLevelByClass | Get the level of an object in a given class. |
GetLevelByPosition | Get the class level of an object from the class table. |
GetLocalFloat | Get the value of a decimal number stored on an object. |
GetLocalInt | Get the value of a whole number stored on an object. |
GetLocalLocation | Get the data describing a location stored on an object. |
GetLocalObject | Get the data describing an object stored on an object. |
GetLocalString | Get the value of a string of characters stored on an object. |
GetLootable | Returns the lootable state of a creature |
GetMaster | Determine who controls a creature. |
GetMaxHitPoints | Get the maximum hit points (HP) of an object. |
GetMetaMagicFeat | Get the type of metamagic used on the last spell. |
GetMovementRate | Returns the movement rate of a game being |
GetNearestCorpse | Return the nearest corpse object. |
GetNearestCreature | Determines the nearest creature to a target object. |
GetNextPC | Obtains the next PC in the player list. |
GetNumItems | Gets the number of the item that the target carries. |
GetObjectNeedsHealing | Determines whether a creature is damaged to a point of its original HP. |
GetPhenoType | Returns the creature's currently set PhenoType (body type). |
GetRacialType | Determines the race of a creature. |
GetSkinFloat | Retrieves a persistent floating point variable from a creature's skin item. |
GetSkinInt | Retrieves a persistent integer variable from a creature's skin item. |
GetSkinString | Retrieves a persistent string variable from a creature's skin item. |
GetSpawnInCondition | Determines whether a creature has a certain condition set by BioWare's core AI system. |
GetSpellResistance | Returns the spell resistance of the specified creature |
GetStealthMode | Determines if a given creature is using a stealth mode. |
GetSubRace | Determines the sub race of a creature. |
GetTotalDamageDealt | Get the total amount of damage that was last dealt to the caller. |
GetTurnResistanceHD | Determines the number of HitDice of Turn Resistance the undead creature has. |
GetWeight | Retrieves the weight of an individual item, or the weight of all objects carried by a single creature. |
GetWisdom | Gets the targets Wisdom Ability Score. |
GetXP | Get a given creature's experience. |
gplotAppraiseFavOpenStore | Opens a store, modifying the store prices by the Appraise skill of the PCspeaker. NOTE: This script always results in a good appraise result. |
HasSpell | Checks if caller has spell |
IPGetHasItemPropertyOnCharacter | Returns whether a character has an item with a certain itemproperty type equipped. |
SpecialTactics | Checks for the special tactics flags and chooses tactics appropriately for each. |
See Also
author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Axe Murderer